Pure Savage Men’s  Double Century Team 2019

Pure Savage Men’s Double Century Team 2019

The race packs have been collected, final bike service complete and the annual purchase of the Gillette Venus is done, it is time to pack and have faith that the training has been sufficient. The Savage men’s racing team is looking in decent shape for Saturday with...
Why We Think the New Short Cycle Tour Rocks

Why We Think the New Short Cycle Tour Rocks

Last week the Cape Town Cycle Tour Trust announced that they would be adding a shorter route option on the Saturday in addition to the 109km version on the Sunday. Many people’s first reaction was that this was a possible change to an institution by adding a...
A Savage Double Century 2017

A Savage Double Century 2017

We’re about 31 kilometres into the 2017 Coronation Double Century, maybe 35 – it’s all a bit blurry at the moment but Tradouw Pass looms. Right now it feels like an episode of Prison Break because the veins in Theunis de Bruin’s calves look a lot like Michael...
PPA Sportif 5 – Some Savage Sprinting

PPA Sportif 5 – Some Savage Sprinting

For the final event of the Pedal Power Sportif series we were treated to a new route from the previous four events. The route looks rather familiar to the Medihelp Stellenbosch cycle tour, except the start take place at Simonsvlei farm. The facilities were great and...