163km of pain and suffering in the sun
Boys klapping it up Helshoogte
The team rocked up in Stellenbosch for the Pedal Power One Tonner on a rather still morning ready to rock and roll. The week leading up to the event the weather boffins had been predicting apocalyptic  wind for the day, so when the flags were barely moving the team was pretty stoked!
Hammering on the front

 The plan was to try keep  the team together up to Riebeeck Kasteel and then hammer to the end. Unfortunately the pace up Helshoogte was a little too high and we lost one of our first riders. When we had gotten to Pniel, Nardus who had to borrow a bike for the race dropped off as the bike was not fitting him well. So in Team Pure Savage form in the first 10km we had managed to lose two team mates.

After the turn at Pniel the boys dropped the hammer setting up the pain train pace line and set up a good tempo and made contact with the back of the D group as we turned onto the agter Paarl road. Delano then thought that after a full 30km of racing and with the team hammering on the front of the group this was a great time for a bathroom break. After pulling off the road and down a farm road and taking his time he was back on the bike. The team had waited the obligatory 38 seconds and then got back to hammering. Luckily for Delano, Brendon felt like some extra suffering and had sat up and waited to help pace him back onto the group.

The boys pushed on, keeping up the pace high on the front of the group, the plan was to take it easy up Riebeeck Kasteel and on the approach some other riders took some turns at the front. While at the front one of the other riders did not point out a ton of glass and the peleton rolled through it and one of riders that had been working hard in the paceline earlier had unfortunately gotten a puncture.

Team going over Riebeeck Kasteel

The team tapped out a moderate pace up Riebeeck Kasteel but once we crested the climb and looked for the water station where we had agreed to fill up bottles and wait for any team members, unfortunately all that greeted the team at the top was a Racetec mat. This ended up with another rider being dropped as the team pushed on.

Pain Train!

Heading into the wind the team kept rotating on the front and reeled in some more of the C-D groups. With the missing water station on top of Riebeeck Kasteel the team’s water rations were rather low and the calls on the group behind for water fell on deaf ears. Therefore logically one would sit back in the peleton and survive till the end., therefore Team Pure Savage did the exact opposite.

The team dropped the hammer and smashed the last 15km on the front putting in big turns on the front. The team had a great lead out again in the last KM by Bernard, Syzmon and Delano. Brendon managed to cross the line second in the bunch sprint but took the win of the E group and the rest of the team came in 4 hours 30 minutes with the last savage coming in Five hours.

Our competition for the person who makes the team sweat the most was won by the Erik from UCT / Private Client holdings, we just need to make contact with him to get him his prize.

MitchumTeam Pure Savage at the finish

It was great meeting our new team member Donavan at the finish, he also had a savage day coming in 9th overall. Thank you to Pedal Power Association for organizing the event. Thanks to our awesome sponsors Mitchum South Africa and Good Hope Oncology for all the support! The team is coming together well and the months of training are paying off. The team is on track to meet the goal for the Coronation Double Century.

Check out our Strava here